・Your Networkの項目では、ビデオやソーシャルネットワークを通じて積極的なコミュニケーションを促します。
・Now I Canの項目で学習成果を確認し、国際水準と比較することができます。
Five-level general English course that harnesses the power of social networking to help students learn English.
Network uses social networking to link learners for common goals – shared language success and professional growth.
Social networking themes are incorporated through a variety of classroom-based and online tasks. These provide an authentic and meaningful context for language learning.
Network is easy to teach and easy to learn from – the one-page, one-lesson, one-learning outcome approach requires minimum preparation and helps you to track your students’ progress.
Additional resources include authentic video from the BBC Motion Gallery and iTools digital resources for interactive whiteboards.
・Your Networkの項目では、ビデオやソーシャルネットワークを通じて積極的なコミュニケーションを促します。
・Now I Canの項目で学習成果を確認し、国際水準と比較することができます。
Five-level general English course that harnesses the power of social networking to help students learn English.
Network uses social networking to link learners for common goals – shared language success and professional growth.
Social networking themes are incorporated through a variety of classroom-based and online tasks. These provide an authentic and meaningful context for language learning.
Network is easy to teach and easy to learn from – the one-page, one-lesson, one-learning outcome approach requires minimum preparation and helps you to track your students’ progress.
Additional resources include authentic video from the BBC Motion Gallery and iTools digital resources for interactive whiteboards.