Upアフリカの金鉱山で働く若い移民労働者、ズールが味わう試練を描いた物語。貧しい鉱山労働者ジューマは、鉱山監督者たちの冷酷さ、居住地域の環境の劣悪さ、都市に住む白人の裕福な生活ぶりなどをつぶさに目にする。そして、周りにあふれる人種差別に抗い始めるのだった。 per-Intermediateレベルは基本語数約2200語。
Soledad is a town in California.A few miles south of Soledad,the Salinas river forms a deep pool,close to the side of the hill.The water is green ,but warm-it has just flowed over the long yellow sands in the hot sun.
On one side of the pool, there are hills. These hills are the beginning of the GAbilan mountains. On the other side, there are trees and a sandy bank. A path leads through the trees to the water.
Upper-Intermediate[ Of Mice and Menより]